
Thursday, July 2, 2015

How to Use Flexible M.T.O. Goals to Improve Your Results...

By Sean Smith

If you want to get more done, have more fun, and achieve more of your goals, utilize this simple but powerful goal getting principle.  Instead of just having one stated goal, have 3 options:

M = minimum, T = target, and O = outrageous. 

This will change your results immediately!

Let’s say I have a goal to get to my ideal weight (by the way, there is a strong correlation between people feeling good about their bodies, and their financial success, so this is a huge area for most of us).  One of the actions that I know will help me achieve and maintain that goal is exercise.  Here’s where MTO comes in.

M – Minimum activity.  If you were ready to go to bed and had not yet reached your goal, what is the minimum level of activity you are willing to commit to, no matter what?  For the ideal weight goal, mine is 5 minutes.  So I’m willing to absolutely commit to a minimum of 5 minutes of exercise daily – simple right?  Anybody can get in motion for 5 minutes.
Now 5 minutes may not seem like much, and it’s really not in the grand scheme of things.  But it’s HUGE in terms of goal getting.  Why?  Because it allows me to have a success for the day, instead of feeling like a failure.  

Instead of going a day without exercising, I continue to do the actions, though small they may be, but momentum gets started with just one little push.  Often, I start exercising for the 5 minutes and end up doing a little bit more, sometimes a lot more.  But had the goal been 20 minutes, and I was tired, I probably wouldn’t have done anything.  See the power in this?

T – Target activity.  This is the target, or ideal level of activity to achieve your goal.  For instance, my daily target level is 20 minutes of cardio, or 30 minutes of basketball.

O – Outrageous activity.  This is the level of activity that would simply be outrageous and get me to my goal lightning-quick.  My outrageous amount is an hour a day.

Now let’s look at my weekly MTO goals…

M – 2 days a week, T – 4 days a week, O – 6 days a week...

I have to tell you that I am so much more inspired to do my exercises now, because I set achievable goals and gave myself permission to succeed on 3 different levels a day, and 3 different levels each week, instead of the all-or-nothing approach without flexibility, setting myself up for failure on a daily basis.

Tell me if this rings a bell…In the past, I would work out like crazy for a week or two, looking for results (those of you in our coaching programs know that doesn’t work).  When I was unhappy with the results, I’d stop working out because I didn’t want to keep feeling like a failure.

And then several months later, when I got to the point where I was sick of being overweight again, I’d go like gangbusters for two more weeks.  It was a constant, vicious cycle I had created, and it wasn’t helping me at all.

With this new concept, I’m on the right path because it’s so much easier to stay inspired to ACT everyday.  And the more I succeed, the more I want to continue to succeed, so it’s a positive cycle this time.  

Small successes lead to bigger successes which lead to your dreams.  

Too often, people set a goal and when they don’t achieve it, they punish themselves.  They get mad, irritated, frustrated, and upset, and then they end up scrapping the goal altogether, telling themselves that they just can’t do it.  

But adopting the MTO concept changes all of that.  Because success is easier to accomplish, you’ll feel good, you’ll be happier, and you’ll have a much better chance to get what you want.

Take this concept, apply it to all of your goals, and watch your results soar.  In Mary Kay for instance, you can set daily and weekly MTO’s around phone calls, handing your business card out, etc – any ACTIVITY.  (Make sure it’s an activity and not a result that you don’t control like holding skin care classes, getting a name & number, selling, etc.)  

I promise you that you’ll feel better about your efforts, which will actually cause you to do more of the activities that will build your business quicker.  Plus, anytime that you can feel better about yourself on a daily basis, everything in your life will improve.

Enjoy the Journey!

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