
Friday, April 4, 2014

Why You Need A Mission Statement As An Independent Filmmaker...

The notion of purpose is important to an independent filmmaker - purpose defines who we are and why we do what we do; it exemplifies why we get out of bed in the morning. Purpose guides us, inspires us, and kicks us in the ass as needed.

What's your purpose as a filmmaker? Why do you make films in the first place? What are you trying to accomplish?

Every filmmaker needs to develop a mission statement that succinctly expresses her/his purpose for filmmaking. A mission statement tells the world (and reminds us) why we put ourselves through the pain-staking process of making movies. A mission statement doesn't have to be long (in fact, the shorter, the better), but it does have to focus us on the realities that we've chosen for ourselves and our work.

What's your purpose as a filmmaker? Why do you make films in the first place? What are you trying to accomplish?

Below are a few examples of mission statements utilized by individual (and groups of) filmmakers:

Gentle Thug Productions: "Gentle Thug Productions is committed to furiously fresh filmmaking which (re)defines the role of independent cinematic expression as a viable and valuable artistic enterprise."

The Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers: "The Calgary Society of Independent Filmmakers is an inclusive, non-profit, arts-based society that exists to encourage film making as art, reflecting and challenging our changing cultural landscape through production and exhibition of the Filmmaker."

Shooting People: "The international networking organisation dedicated to the support and promotion of independent filmmaking." 

The Denver Film Society: "The Denver Film Society’s mission is to develop opportunities for diverse audiences to discover film through creative thought-provoking experiences."

Billy Bly: "My job as a filmmaker is to make movies that piss people off and make them think."

What's your purpose as a filmmaker? Why do you make films in the first place? What are you trying to accomplish?

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