
Saturday, September 6, 2014

Indie Filmmaking: 7 Easy And Cheap Ways To Promote Your Film...

Posted On United Manufacturing
Here is a list of cost-effective ways you can promote your film:
Cheap Giveaways. You do not have to spend big bucks to promote your film. Choose very cheap items that are witty, creative, and that can intrigue a lot of people. For example, if your film is a comedy about teen pregnancy (much like Juno), then you can give out some cool promotional condoms with the details of your film printed on the packaging. These promotional condoms just cost $0.4 or less when bought in bulk. If your film is about money and getting rich, then maybe you can give out customized paper money with the details of your film printed on it.
College Magazines. College publications are easier to talk to than the commercial ones. Prepare a good synopsis, promotional photos, and behind-the-scenes photos of your film and talk to the editors personally. If your film is featured by a prestigious school paper, your film automatically gains an academic touch to it which increases its value and appeal. Hey, if Universities talk about it, then it’s worth watching.
Blog. Create a blog for your film where you post updates like screening schedules, actor’s profile, etc. it would be a lot better if you started this while you’re still making the film so people would get intrigued. Do not give away too much info about the story though. Focus on the production like how crazy the special effects are, how you enjoyed your shoot, etc. Aside from updating your blog, you should also ask other famous bloggers to feature your film.
Social Networks. Of course, you know this already but I’ll mention it anyway. Link your blog to your social networks but do it sparingly. You want to remain mysterious because you want them to get sooo curious that they have no other choice but to watch your film. The least thing you want to become is annoying, so don’t overdo it. Instead, promote by letting others talk about your film. Ask your friends on Facebook, twitter,etc to say something about your film in a non-hard sell way. Let them say “ oh, I cannot wait to watch X film.” Here are some things to avoid when you’re using social networks.
Organizations. Look for organizations that might support your film. For example, if your film has something about child labor, then you might want to tap certain organizations that might help you in promoting your film. They might even give you some funds for promotion and distribution if you’re lucky.
Youtube. Well, what better way to promote your indie film than by making a teaser and uploading it to YouTube? That’s easy. The challenge is how you convince people to watch your teaser. You can post the video’s link to your social networks, you can e-mail everyone, and you can ask your friends to help you spread the video. If you have a lot of other things to do, you might consider the help of an expert who can handle all these online promotion and marketing.
Radio interviews. Contact all radio stations that might feature your film and give them a brief synopsis of your film. You have to convince them why your film is worth promoting in their station. Give them topics that might be worth discussing and give them options of angles that they might want to feature.  Once you’ve given them your kit, make sure you follow up in a week. Do not be shy to push your way in but don’t try way too hard that you become insensitive to their schedules.

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