By Nadia Jones
Using film as a means for communication, inspiration, and entertainment, humankind uses pictures and stories to further explore our thoughts, beliefs, and world. These seven TED talks given by famous filmmakers, producers, and DIRECTORS
1. Jehane Noujaim Wishes for a Global Day of Film: In this TED talk, Jehane Noujaim discusses the power of film and the potential it has TO CHANGE
the world. Each year the TED organization works to grant one wish of one of its speakers. Here, Noujaim reveals her wish for a global day of film. She discusses the ability film has to bridge gaps between cultures and continents. Noujaim’s powerful film, Control Room, DOCUMENTED
Al Jazeera’s coverage of the Iraq war and the differing ways Arabs and the U.S. covered the war. In her talk, Noujaim discusses the power of film, inspiring any individual with dreams of making a difference in this world to pick up a camera and try:
2. Jeff Skoll Makes Movies that Matter: Discussing the things that inspire him and his dreams for the future, Jeff Skoll gives a TED talk about his media production company. Skoll’s company Participant Productions aspires to make movies to inspire social change. With films about social and political issues, Skoll’s production company has driven real change in the world. This talk discusses the real life social events that inspire Skoll and his company to make films. Skoll explores the potential of film to make change and the potential of PEOPLE
to do good:
3. Deborah Scranton on Her “War Tapes”: Filmmaker Deborah Scranton discusses making her film The War Tapes and discusses what inspired her to create this EXPERIENCE
. The War Tapes is a film that puts CAMERAS IN
the hands of National Guard troops stationed in Iraq during the war. Discussing clips from this film, Scranton approaches discussing matters that are uncomfortable and difficult to talk about. She emphasizes the importance of conversation and the potential of film to create and encourage that conversation:
4. Shekhar Kapur: We Are the Stories We Tell Ourselves: Shekhar Kapur discusses where creative inspiration comes from, while exploring his thought PROCESS
behind the making of the film Elizabeth. In this talk, Kapur explores the misunderstood world of storytelling and creativity, explaining that inspiration is born from “sheer, utter panic”. Emphasizing the power of storytelling, Kapur explains that stories create our existence. This talk takes clips from his film and discusses his thought process behind cinematography and what the film is TRYING
to convey:
5. James Cameron: Before Avatar… a Curious Boy: Immensely famous DIRECTOR
James Cameron, reveals his fascination with the fantastic and the uncanny. Discussing his life and interests as a child, Cameron explains how his childhood interest in science inspired his passion and vision for science fiction. With this talk, Cameron explains that inspiration for film and pictures can come from things that are just the opposite of film. Cameron’s interest in the real mysteries of the world bred a capacity for the creative storytelling of fictional mysteries in fiction worlds. This talk also approaches the issues of computer graphics in modern film and why Cameron is inspired by computer generated animation and graphics. Computer visuals enabled Cameron to display the mysteries in his imagination in film. Ultimately Cameron explains that inspiration and imagination comes from experience and exploration:
6. Morgan Spurlock: The Greatest TED Talk Ever Sold: Documentary filmmaker Morgan Spurlock discusses film as a means for discussing important societal issues. In this talk, Spurlock discusses his new inspiration and idea for a film that would explore the world of branding and marketing. Spurlock reveals his interesting thought process for filmmaking when discussing the film he wishes to make that is completely funded by sponsors. However, while discussing his specific idea for his sponsorship film, Spurlock uncovers the things that inspire him such as PEOPLE
, problems, and societal contradictions:
7. J.J. Abrams’ Mystery Box: Writer, DIRECTOR
, and producer, J. J. Abrams discusses his passion for “the unseen mystery” and how that mystery inspires his films. As is evident in his works Cloverfield, Lost, and ALIAS
, Abrams explores THE MYSTERY
and depth of the unknown with his film work. In this talk, Abrams expresses his enthusiasm for mystery and the interest mystery creates. He explains how mystery and the unknown are his inspiration for his work and for life. He discusses how mystery represents potential, imagination, and hope. This speech will encourage any individual, filmmaker or not, to attack the unknown, explain the mystery, and find passion in something:
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