
Thursday, April 10, 2014

When Life Hands You Lemons...

As an independent filmmaker, there will be a ton of lemons tossed your way. Like a lot. Some grapefruit, some cantaloupes… the occasional brick. But the goal is to stand, clean yourself up, and get back on that invisible horse. Easier said than done.
We hear stories of artists who struggled for years, had the door slammed in their face countless times, and ate rice for months to survive. It always has a happy ending with someone saying “you know what, kid, I’ll give you a shot.” Ever hear of a failure story? I’d love to hear a failure story that really puts things in perspective. All the success stories I’ve heard involve someone getting “lucky” or being the son of someone famous. What’s with that? I think I’d get more insight from a good failure story than a success story. Not only does it clue you in on what not to do, but it also shows that not everyone is perfect. Even the talented people can fuck it up for themselves. It’s sad, but a truth that’s been shielded from aspiring artists for way too long. People who have not achieved their dreams and changed career paths need to share their stories as a counterbalance to the “lucky” stories. And what about the artists who stopped what they wanted to do because life got in the way? When the bills became too much, and babies became mad expensive, that stuff. It’s tragic, but still a good story to tell.
I think that people from any background can relate to hitting rock bottom at least once in their lives. Artists are not special… existential crises happen to the best of us. It’s something we need to remember. Filmmakers, musicians, painters, actors, and anyone else I left out – we’re so caught up in our own little bubble, in our own angst, feeling that nothing else matters. It’s destructive and alienating. We can lose sight of the big picture like family, friends, our place in this vast world, the environment and all that. So when life hands you lemons – when you think your talent is not being acknowledged, or when you feel no one wants to give you  a chance, remember that there are people out there who haven’t even tried half as much as you. There are people out there who packed it in before even leaving the gate. There are people who turned away from that path out of the sheer fear of rejection. At least you’re trying your best. And if you don’t succeed after giving it your all, you’ll have a great story to tell. You’ve earned the right to say “hey I’m not a failure, buddy!” You made a solid effort, and that counts as an achievement that most people can’t declare. So make some lemonade. I’m thirsty.

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