
Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Can You Stand Just One More Manifesto?...


The most powerful moments are those on to which the audience can hold; those to which the audience can feel their soul within them. 
These moments are 
pieces of truth.

Raw truth is captured with the alignment of genuine elements within a reality that recognizes and upholds the fundamental rules that exist in the true known world. 
Such elements include every aspect of filmmaking: 
Rules that exist in the known world build the parameter within which life may exist. 
Infinity is intangible but can be felt on rare occasions as it raises its head among the living. Infinity is not easily reached though attainable through capturing reality as it exists in its purest form. 

The great beauty in life is that life sees itself as life and therefore learns from itself experiencing growth, renewal, and progress.
are the connectors of humanity and 
provide the self reflexivity on which it relies. 
reveal to humanity the moments 
that give it breath;
The moments that stretch for infinity.
writing, directing, editing, performance, composition, sound design, visual design, style, lighting design, set design, etc. 
These rules of life 
be upheld in order to create opportunities to see the infinity 
that all film strives to capture. 
Infinity exists naturally and can never be fabricated artificially. 
Artificial fabrication of infinity is the greatest atrocity the film industry can produce.
Films that ground themselves in a reality unapproachable by humans are immediately restricted to the infinity they can capture/share by limiting themselves to generating unrealistic faux emotion.

Without a grasp on and connection to the recognizable known world, a film cannot present infinite moments.
Science Fiction
Lack of truth
can only breed
lack of true emotion.
Post Modernist Cinema
is sour.

The invention of high tech effects that serve to simply awe rather than present an avenue of evoked emotional questioning have provided the industry an easy way to make money, nothing more. 
The use of this technology is a disrespect to the inherently natural power of film. 
Reliance on the technical revolution has taken the artist from the filmmaker. 
If a moment requires highly technical post-production manipulation, it is a manufactured piece of pseudo-realism that should be recognized as such and seen as a feat of technology, nothing more.
Truth is found in the reality that we know.
All emotion is accessed by feeling a truth within a moment. 

To have such a truth, life must be presented as it truly is.
Life does not have beginnings or ends, only middles. So too should films that desire a connection to reality. 
desire a connection to reality for reality is the only setting in which real emotion can be seen or felt. 
want to be seen and felt.
teach humanity to recognize these moments though present them uniquely.
In gaining the ability to recognize the beauty in moments such as these, humanity experiences self-reflexivity. 
When life sees itself as beautiful, infinity is glimpsed and emotion soars.
Humanity deepens with each flight of true emotion. 
is our mission.

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