
Thursday, April 10, 2014

7 Things Filmmakers Can Learn From NBA Superstars...

The NBA season is nearing the play-offs! It’s a perfect moment to show why the best players should be an example for aspiring independent filmmakers. If you ever have a chance, ask Spike Lee what he has learned from NBA players – I’m pretty sure you can expect a lecture at least an hour long explaining how basketball has affected his life and films. The director from New York is a lifelong Knicks fan who has been watching many generations of NBA players including the modern superstars. Let’s see in what ways the latter ones can be an example for independent filmmakers who, just like Spike Lee 30 years ago, want to break into the film industry.

1. LeBron James – Versatility

Bobcats v Heat

Just look at LeBron – he can score, he’s a great rebounder, a brilliant playmaker and one of the best defenders in the NBA. Almost every player has one distinctive ability in which he is very good but LeBron has it all – his combination of skills makes him almost unstoppable. What’s also important he always finds ways to improve himself – he tries to correct every aspect of his game which is not at the top level.

LeBron’s a great example for young filmmakers – if you have lo-to-no budget, be versatile! Try to get to know something about everything. Find out how to effectively use the light, record sound and edit your film. And what’s the most important – learn, learn, learn – don’t ever stop improving yourself and your films will get better and better.

2. Tim Duncan – Consistency

tim duncan

Tim Duncan is simply amazing – he’s been in the NBA for 16 years and his stats from his rookie season are almost exactly the same as from his last season. He is a perfect example on how to stay at the top for a very long time. He looks like he’s not aging at all – what is more difficult in sports than in anything else. And for all these years – he has always delivered.

So if you are a filmmaker remember what you have learnt and do not repeat your mistakes. In your filmmaking take risks and search for new means of expression for your films but always use your previous experience. And don’t take everything for granted – keep practicing your skills to stay consistent.

3. Manu Ginobili – Unconventionality

Miami Heat v San Antonio Spurs - Game 5

Ginobili’s game has been all about doing everything in a completely different way than everybody thinks. Now he is closer to his retirement so he doesn’t have the same explosiveness than five years ago but Ginobili still is capable to be the NBA’s magician. When I look at him at the basketball court there is always a moment when I say: “Come on!” or “That’s impossible! How did he do that?”. After all we’re talking about a guy who once caught a bat during the game.

The point is – surprise everybody! Try unorthodox camera angles, experiment with narration or plawith genres – there would be more chance that someone will be interested in your film. Your creativity can also mask some minor flaws. So if you want your works to be recognized, let them be distinctive.

4. Kobe Bryant – Confidence

Miami Heat v Los Angeles Lakers
Bryant can miss 99 shots in a row but if he takes the 100th one his mindset will be exactly the same as with the first one. He simply doesn’t care what happened before – he will keep shooting and be confident that his next shot will go through the hoop. If the saying “sportsmen have very short memory” makes sense then Kobe may have the shortest one in the NBA.

So even when you have made ten or more bad films don’t get discouraged – your next one may be a great one. With every film you learn something new, so use this experience to get better. And when you are convinced about the quality of your work try to get it to the film festivals, distributors or any people working in the film industry. Fifty of them may reject your work but the 51st may like it – just don’t stop trying.

5. Chris Paul – Together is Better

chris paul
Chris Paul knows basketball is a team sport – he understands that he can’t win by himself. He trusts his teammates and tries to make them feel confident. Paul passes the ball willingly to be sure that everyone on his team is involved. He makes every player around him better and that’s why he is an undisputed leader. But he also knows when is the right moment to take over the game when it matters.

When you’re working on a film, you must cooperate with other members of your crew and assure them that they are essential in the whole process of making a film. Listen to everyone and take under consideration advices from your crew members but it must be you who will make the ultimate decision.

6. Kevin Garnett – Toughness

kevin garnett
On the basketball court nobody can intimidate Kevin Garnett – he plays extremely tough and never gives up on any play. He is not afraid of any opponent and is always willing to defend any of his teammates. Garnett is like a best friend and worst enemy in the same body – everybody would love to have him on their team and nobody likes facing him on the court. He plays every game like it could be his last one.

Film industry can be a very hostile environment so be prepared! Defend your choices and decisions and be assertive – don’t be afraid to say “no” if someone is dishonest and wants to deceive you. And even when all the odds are against you – fight till the end! Follow Garnett’s credo – “Anything is possible”.

7. James Harden – Grabbing Chances

james harden
In the 2011-2012 season Harden was the third best player on his team – almost everybody saw a great potential in him but nobody was sure if he is capable of being a leader and the best player on the team. After that season he was traded to Houston Rockets where he was expected to be the face of the franchise. And you know what? He is a superstar now – Harden proved that giving him an opportunity to be the leader was the right choice.

So if you ever have any chance to prove that your films are worth something do not hesitate. Show them wherever and to whoever you can, submit them to film festivals and make sure everyone knows about them. If you want to be recognized, don’t wait until someone finds you – show yourself to the people!

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