
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cybermarketing: Using The Internet To Promote Your Video

Twenty years ago you needed a deal with major distributers to become an independent producer. Today, you can use the Internet - if you know where to look.

About 20 years ago, a certain independent producer wanted to get his film seen by the public. The guy had dumped all of his hard earned cash into making the movie, so it was vital that an audience pay to see it. Since those were the days before home video, the only outlet for an independent project lay in the neighborhood theater. Unfortunately the distribution companies weren't interested or they weren't willing to give him a good deal.
His only other option, in those days, was to "four-wall" his movie. The producer rented the movie theater (its four walls), advertised the play dates, hired the projectionist, ushers, ticket and refreshment-counter staff and screened the movie. And he pocketed all of the profits.
The movie was "The Legend of Boggy Creek," and its moneymaking power is legendary in the independent (indie) film business. Twenty years ago you needed a deal with the big boys or a lot of determination to become an indie success. Today, the Internet has changed the distribution deal for film and video.
Entering the Internet
Once (and often still) thought of as a conduit to chat rooms and X-rated celebrity photos, the Internet holds much more than late-night thrills. Producers, distributors, cast, crew, writers, directors and musicians are all looking at the microchip marvel as a source of exposure and employment. Even though the major studios are now using the Internet as a promotional outlet for upcoming film releases, indies are using the Net to tout their projects as well.
Whether you're doing an instructional video on jogging, or a low-budget feature film, the Internet can assist in the final distribution of your project by providing the least expensive and most efficient mailing list on the market. Only people who are interested in your subject will respond to your Internet posts and all of their pertinent data will camp on your hard drive, ready for solicitation once the video is finished.
Build a Video Web
As you near the end of production on your video it's time to start thinking about the next step--your own Web site. A Web site or "page" is a location on the Internet's World Wide Web where those who want to access your specific information can use point and click commands to navigate around different sources of data. Web sites can contain many elements: text, graphics, databases, even live video. An Internet "audience" might view a trailer of a film or video, look at photos of the actors and crew and obtain ordering information. This same technique applies to the method of finding sales through a traditional distributor. It's more cost effective and much simpler to alert a distributor to a Web page than to send a videotape and promotional material through the mail. It can nearly eliminate the possibility of video projects falling into the wrong hands or not arriving at all.
Designing your own Web site can be as simple or as complicated as you like. Online services like America Online, CompuServe and Prodigy offer plain page-design forms for users to fill out. They're not very fancy, offering little in graphics and video or animation, but they'll get you started. Many Internet service providers (ISPs) including AOL will provide a small amount of space on their servers for user's home pages but they probably won't help you much with the design. To learn more about building a Web page, visit educational sites such as or
As for four-walling your work on the Net, it's already being done. Independent-film distributor First Look screened the feature-length "Party Girl" on the Internet. The premiere of this Generation X-targeted film on the Web was primarily a promotional stunt, designed more to publicize the film than to showcase the on-line facilities. Even though feasible broadcast capabilities are several years off, this first "trial" was an impressive start.
Distributors are turning to the Internet now in search of new projects. Richard Munchkin, a partner in the international distributor Century Films, has found several projects that he believes hold promise for distribution. Munchkin also uses his computer connections to develop relationships with many first-time filmmakers and videographers. He's helping guide these folks through the many pitfalls independents encounter as they try to distribute their work.
On-line Film School
In addition to finding an audience for your work and providing a much needed (and maybe more importantly, low-cost) link to potential distributors, the Internet is an abundant source of information. Independents can tap into Web sites and newsgroups focusing on everything from technical data and equipment sales to casting agents, scripts, crews, music, festivals and just plain old fashioned brainstorming with other struggling independent producers. It's not hard to hook into this amazing network of data; you just need to know which Web pages to visit. The lists in the sidebar, though hardly all-inclusive, should give you a good jumping-off point. And who knows, maybe 20 years from now, some writer will be describing how the archaic Internet thrust you into wealth and stardom!

Mark Steven Bosko is vice president of marketing for a film and video production company.

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